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Monday, 17 February 2014

Cisco ASA Active-Standby Failover

Configuring Cisco ASA Active-Standby Failover using  ASDM

In this post I will be configuring active –standby failover with Cisco ASA.I will using the wizard driven configuration which allows to understand each and every aspect of the configuration and it makes it easy to troubleshoot.

Prerequisites for Active/Standby Failover

Active/Standby failover has the following prerequisites:

•Both units must be identical ASAs that are connected to each other through a dedicated failover link and, optionally, a Stateful Failover link.
•Both units must have the same software configuration and the proper license.
•Both units must be in the same mode (single or multiple, transparent or routed).

I will be using the following simple topology to test my failover setup.

Configuration used in this topology

ASA 1(Active)

Public IP :-
Private IP :
Failover IP :

ASA 1(Active)

Public IP :-
Private IP :
Failover IP :

ASDM access is configured for (Desktop PC).

Let’s begin the configuration by connecting the asdm to ASA and by going to Configuration > Device Management > High Availability

Click Launch High Availability and scalability Wizard 

Choose Active/standby fail-over and Click Next

Enter the Peer IP address (Standby ASA Internal Interface) and Click Next

It will ask for the Standby ASA ASDM username and password, Once it provided and will complete the compatibility test.Click Next to continue

 Select the Fail-over connection port. (In my case i connected the crossover through gigabit Ethernet 2 interface to the standby ASA gigabit Ethernet 2 )

Provide the IP address for Active and standby ASA. Provide Secret key and Click next to continue.

 Choose the LAN link as the state link and click next to continue.

 In this windows you need to provide the standby IP address of your ASA2 Device, both internal and external IP of ASA 2 .Select the interface need to be monitored .Click next to continue.
A summary window will appear and click Finish to start the fail-over process.

 Click Stop waiting for continuing the process

 Finally you will receive a  fail-over configuration complected  message 

You can monitor the status of the failover setup in Monitoring > Properties > Failover > Status. You also have the option of manually making a particular ASA active or passive depending on your need.

The Manual configuration wizard also provided below and you can see the same details here.

Now we can access the device over the network and no longer need to worry about a single point of failure.


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